Emergencies can be devastating to a farming operation. This Emergency Management Guide provides a resource for pork producers in British Columbia to prepare for the worst while hoping for the best. It provides educational materials on various natural and human-caused threats to any operation, as well as an opportunity for you to tailor responses your farm would follow if in the event of any such emergency.
Animal Health Emergency Management
The Animal Health Emergency Management PRODUCER HANDBOOK BC Pig Sector is now available. The Animal Health Emergency Management (AHEM) project is focussed on industry relevant resources to minimize the impacts of serious livestock diseases now and into the future. The objective is to strengthen emergency preparedness, response and recovery, through increased industry awareness, capacity, and confidence.
The goal is to minimize disease impact through proactive planning, preparation and response. Up-to-date and trustworthy information is a tremendous asset, especially during an emergency. The goal is to support livestock industry organizations and those on the ground with practical resources that clearly outline important considerations and necessary action during a serious event.
Animal Health Emergency Management Producer Handbook for the BC Pig Sector